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Process Record Automation

Discontinue performing manual ROPAs that rapidly become outdated and instead obtain continuous risk monitoring with the simple click of a button. privEzi offers uninterrupted, always-on accessibility to an interrogable record of privacy preferences

Create data processing activities based on relevant privacy laws and map related organizations’ assets and PII along with related tasks assigned to various stakeholders throughout the organization. Construct compliance reports, which include records of processing activities for GDPR Article 30 and Look Back for CCPA, to ensure adherence to regulatory standards.

Facilitate collaboration between teams within the company, to integrate cross-departmental knowledge, and ensure efficient workflows. Create an all-inclusive audit trail, which includes the date, time, and changes made to the inventory, to maintain an accurate record of activities.

Processing Activities is designed to support compliance with multiple regulatory frameworks, including GDPR, CCPA and DPDPB’22. This helps you reduce your risk and manage your privacy obligations with confidence.

Processing Activities automatically generates data flow maps that show you where data is located in your company’s systems and how it flows through your business ecosystem. This makes it easy to understand and track your data, ensuring that you are always in control.

Automating processing templates and reports can make the process much more efficient by curating RoPA templates or using existing ones to automatically discover, document, and report on third-party data sharing, cross-border transfers, data purposes, the legal basis of processing, and more. This would provide data protection regulators with the necessary proof of compliance and enable reporting on who, what, and why behind the data that’s processed.